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If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know that the passion and purpose behind it is to help people become their own Money Manager because Money Managers make the most!  And we just happen to believe that the more money you keep of what you make the more fulfilled, happy and …


In the Studio, Tom and John McFie talk about Business Financing, and how Savings is the building block to success with your finances… Tom shares about how before he discovered the Perpetual Wealth Code™ he always believed in saving but didn’t know how to save so it profited him instead of the Money Managers, Banks …


The envelope looked impressively official and the bold block letters on the brightly colored paper was even more authoritative looking. We’ve all been subjected to ads designed to look legitimate and formal yet upon investigation are nothing more than a bunch of fluff attempting to encourage us to purchase something needlessly. But this paperwork looked …


Tom and John McFie talk about Cash Value life insurance and The Perpetual Wealth Code™. They talk about common financial myths and certain things to be cautious about with your finances.


Dr. Tom and John McFie talk about risk, and how Taxes and Fees destroy the earnings on your money by more than many realize… That is why the Banks purchased over 143 billion Dollars of Life Insurance in 2013, which is now up to over 146 billion in 2014. Money has to flow to make …


Spring is a wonderful time of year. For many people around the country it means that snow and icy conditions will soon be melted and warmer days are ahead. The grass will be turning green and the crocus and daffodils will be pushing up to add their color and enjoyment to the world. As I …


Upon a recent visit to a Government website I was greeted with this SYSTEM USE NOTICE: You are accessing a U.S Government Information system, which includes this computer, this computer’s network, all computers connected to this network, and all devices and storage media attached to this network or to a computer on this network. This …


Life is funny.  You can plan and plan for certain things to happen and the probability of things happening just like you planned for is near zero.  That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t plan because without planning chaos would ensue.  But what it does mean is flexibility is important. Without flexibility life can become a disappointment …


Tunes are going through my head today and here’s why. By the time most Americans pay their taxes and the interest on their bills it leaves them with less than $20,000 to live on. Years ago John Folgarty astutely penned these words: “Long as I remember rain’s been comin’ down Clouds of mystery pourin’ confusion …


Charles Dickens begins A Tale of Two Cities, with the following words. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…” And …

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