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One dark night seven monkeys sat cold and shivering in a tree. It was cold outside. It was raining. One of the monkey’s said, “We should build a house.” “Yes,” said the other monkeys, “let’s build a house tomorrow.” But when the sun came up the monkeys forgot all about building a house. They ran …


Ever feel that the world keeps getting faster and faster?  Ever notice that your day is packed full but you seem to complete less?  Ever wonder that the more you undertake the fewer results you actually achieve? Recently a message was posted online that was spot-on. “Where will we go today so we can stare …


Fees, fees and more fees seem to be the norm when planning for your retirement.  Which leads one to ask, “Are there any specific restrictions on how many fees or how big the fees can be?”  And the direct answer is NO!  However, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) does confine how large a fee …


Dr. Paul Reed

Type: products

After receiving his first adjustment when he was in eighth grade, Dr. Paul Reed knew he wanted to become a Chiropractor.  “I didn’t really know what it all meant at the time,” he admits “but something spiritual changed inside me and I knew this is what I wanted to do when I got older.” Dr. Reed graduated from Chiropractic College 17 years …


Being in control is key to becoming successful.  And being in control is different than merely thinking we are in control when others are really pulling our string. A man greatly admired by our current president and Hillary Clinton was a genius when it came to defining control.  We can learn a lot from this …


It is with great pleasure that I introduce our guest blogger this week. Dr. Terryl Wolfswinkel has been using the Perpetual Wealth Code™ to self finance his business and lifestyle for a number of years.  Recently Dr. Terryl had a very interesting opportunity to use the Perpetual Wealth Code™ to prevent a catastrophe that could …


Growing up with very little, Tamara and her husband worked hard and found that saving came naturally to them.  But while saving money was a natural way of life, they didn’t have any structured savings plan. They invested in property and sold it for at a profit. This worked well for them, but they …


Remember the CEO of the Practice Management Group we spoke about last week? Although this group provides a great service as it helps doctors to be more effective in making their specialties known to potential patients and in turn this allows more patients to know about and benefit from the doctor’s care; this doesn’t automatically …


My daughter, Anna, shared about her new rollerblades with you last week and how REWARDS are a GOOD Thing in life. But she didn’t tell you that she not only got all her siblings on roller blades, she even got her dear old dad on roller blades! Today I want to tell you about when …


Wealth isn’t just about how much money you have. In fact true wealth is what is left after all your money is gone. The ancient story about Job, the oldest historical book known to mankind, highlights this moral lesson.  In the book Job discovers what true wealth is after he lost everything…his money, his relationships, …

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