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With monthly rent prices on the rise and interest rates so low, more and more people are looking to buy a house. For first-time homebuyers, saving for a house can seem incredibly daunting, but there are ways you can follow to make saving for a house a little easier. In this article, we’ll cover five …


Note: McFie Insurance its agents, and representatives are not authorized to give investment, legal or tax advice. This article is purely for educational/information purposes. A fiduciary is a person or entity to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of the principal/client or other beneficiaries.i Common examples of fiduciary capacity include: The trustee …


In 1923 a school of thought was founded in Frankfurt Germany which today is commonly referred to Critical Theory but was initially called The Frankfurt School.  The idea of Critical Theory was formulated by a group of Marxists who appreciated the fact that the Revolutionary Socialists had failed in Russia, and the Revisionist Marxist were …


Cancel Culture isn’t anything new. Although the name has changed over the years the selfish ideas and beliefs behind it have remained the same. Cancel Culture and Critical Theory thinking, a hideous blend of Marxism and Freudianism, is seriously endangering our Western Society. Today on Wealth Talks, Tom and John discuss Cancel Culture and what …


The United Nations recognizes 251 countries and territories in the world, while the United States only acknowledges 200 and other international organizations recognize only 194.  But regardless of how the so-called authorities acknowledge or don’t acknowledge a country’s existence, one thing is sure, the human population of the world is decreasing even though politicians and …


World population is a major concern… but not in the way many people see it.  Anyone who has taken a flight across the US should realize that overpopulation is not even a remote problem. In fact, the biggest problem many countries are facing today is underpopulation. Today on Wealth Talks, Tom and John talk about …


There are two categories into which all Life Insurance products fall: Temporary and Permanent. In general, term products are classified as temporary insurance, while whole life and universal life products are classified as permanent. It is important to understand how these different types of policies work when you wish to purchase the best type of …


A student loan is money borrowed to pay for higher education at a college or university. Just like any other loan, a student loan has to be repaid in full, in addition to any interest that has accumulated over time. Student loans can be borrowed from the government or private lenders and are usually used …


Those who call themselves economists while cleaving to Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) are analogous to the tailors in the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes with one exception, the tailors in the story were not deceived. They were the deceivers. Today, Modern Monetary Theorists blather on and on about how our currency is backed by …


How many times have you heard someone recite sentiments along these lines “It’ll be my kids’ problem by then”… implying that they will be dead and their kids will have to deal with the problem instead.  The lack of responsibility is shocking, and the results of this thinking are disastrous. We are all susceptible to …

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