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As early a 460 B.C. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, condemned the use of opium except when it was useful as a medicine.  Over 100 years later Alexander the Great introduced opium to the people of Persia and India.  In the early 1500s the Portuguese initiated the concept of smoking opium and by the 1600s …


A Costly Comparison

Type: podcasts

Recently we’ve had a few Indexed Universal Life policy contracts come across our desk for review. As part of our review process, we calculated the cost of insurance in these policies and compared it to the cost of insurance in a Whole Life product of our design. In today’s show, Tom and John look at …


Indexed Universal Life (IUL) insurance is all the rave these days. The speculative component, though not guaranteed, is attractive to many consumers. While the commissions earned on these products are attractive to the agents. “They say” IUL is a better buy and Participating Whole Life Insurance (PWLI) costs too much. So, let’s look and see… …


With possible changes to the tax code looming, it is likely life insurance will become an even more important planning tool for people who want to build and sustain generational wealth. But there is a lot of negativity surrounding life insurance and those who sell it. Public opinion of life insurance salesmen is low, coming …


Last week we blogged about the way Biden is mirroring Jimmy Carter when it comes to fiscal policy.  The only real difference is the massive extension of those failed policies. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Cecilia Rouse, one of Biden’s own Council of Economic Advisers, stated the Council fully anticipates, and expects, to …


Joe Biden is on record for stating Americans will suffer under his administration. Biden’s economic policies are threatening to turn out a lot like Jimmy Carter’s did in the 1970s. The good news is we can try to prepare for the future by looking at the past. Interest rates under Carter were very high. But …


“And How Participating Whole Life Insurance Can Protect You and Your Loved Ones” Joe Biden was first elected to public office in 1970, the same year Jimmy Carter was elected governor of Georgia.  Two years later Biden became the Senator from Delaware and nobody worked harder to get Jimmy Carter elected president of the United …


There is a fascinating history around governments and the way they deal with drugs. Hippocrates warned against the use of opium except for some medicinal purposes. Yet by 1839 Great Britain was embroiled with China over the trade of opium. British ships were instructed to bring the finest opium back to England. Needless to say, …


“There are strange thing done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold; The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold; The Northern lights have seen queer sight, but the queerest they ever did see Was the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge I cremated …


Beyond the fact that Sam was from Tennessee, we are ignorant of much of his life… except that his cremation was the strangest sight the Northern Lights have ever seen. While not as strange, perhaps, as Sam’s cremation, we see our fair share of “strange things done in the midnight sun by men who moil …

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