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Supplemental life insurance is additional life insurance coverage or provisional benefits that are added to a life insurance policy or purchased as a separate policy. Also called voluntary or employee-paid life insurance, supplemental life insurance may provide life insurance coverage for your spouse, your children, waiver of premium for disability, extra death benefit coverage in …


When shopping for a life insurance policy, you’ll first want to consider what type of life insurance is best for you. There are a variety of life insurance types, each with its pros and cons, but some of the more well-known policies are term life insurance and whole life insurance. Whether you need term life …


I can still hear Nelson Nash’s Birmingham drawl, telling those in attendance of the many workshops we hosted with him, “We live in a world of lies.”  Wow!  How true that statement was and still is. Today we find ourselves informed that “Gain of Function Research” WAS being sponsored by the most highly paid Federal …


Taxing the rich is a topic many elected officials harp on with a religious zeal. Despite their moral high tone, taxes on the rich seem to do more damage to the middle and lower classes. The income tax, supposedly to penalize rich tycoons, ended up being paid mostly by people other than the rich. Whoops! …


How To Build Wealth

Type: articles

3 Keys to Building Sustainable Wealth Many people will generate over a million dollars of income during their lifetime. At only $12 dollars an hour, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks out of the year, and working 45 years someone will generate over a million dollars.  But the question is how …


Make no bones about it, Global elites intend to destroy the personal wealth of Americans.  Politicians and bureaucrats raise your taxes by altering how much you can make before you pay income tax and by changing the rate you pay on that taxable income.  They accomplish this through the legislative process and so, for the …


Warning signs are supposed to offer us some degree of protection from the described danger. Yet a recent study shows they many have the opposite effect.  Trivial warnings abound everywhere… especially in California where even a cup of coffee has been found to cause cancer. Of course, just because there is a “warning” doesn’t mean …


If you really believe that the new Democratic Tax Plan was supposed to make the extreme wealthy pay more taxes, then you have been hoodwinked.  That is because a special clause in the tax plan inserted by Ron Wyden of Oregon and supported by most of his caucus, which would allow the extremely wealthy to …


Schedule Appointment » Get a Policy That Works For You Shopping for a well-designed participating whole life insurance policy can be a time-consuming process. How do you know if the agent designing your policy knows how to include all the benefits and features you’ll want? At McFie Insurance, we make the process easy. We know …


Taking a loan from a policy is easy, but there are questions that can arise. Will taking a loan decrease my death benefit? Why does the insurance company charge interest?  When should I pay off my policy loan? This week, Tom and John answer all these questions and many more. Listen Now on Wealth Talks. …

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