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America has been the face of benevolence for years. Has this benevolence contributed to the deterioration of America today? It is good to be compassionate and sharing, but we need to make sure we are not giving away what we need to take care of our own responsibilities. Listen in as Tom and John address …


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September 17-18th marked our first LIVE event since early 2020. It was wonderful! Seeing people in person, face to face, is something no Zoom conference can replace. Today on Wealth Talks, Tom and John are joined by Michele. Together, they give you a brief synopsis of the event. Resources: Link to recording


In 1908 the Democratic Party included a proposal for a graduated income tax.  It was marketed as a tax on the wealthy and a majority of Americans supported it.  President Taft, who was a Republican, responded by asking Congress to tax the profits of large companies.  With this kind of public and bipartisan support, Congress …


Many people aren’t concerned about “small fees” after all, they’re so “small”. Yet these “small fees” add up surprisingly fast and can cripple you financially. And fees aren’t the only things you need to know about. Interest and taxes can be just as destructive. On today’s episode, Tom and John discuss how we should prepare …


Those who are misinformed or ignorant about the facts surrounding fees, interest and taxes will suffer the consequences.  People are destroyed for lack of knowledge. This is true in all areas of life but particularly when it comes to finances. One example of this is the common use of average rates of return by financial …


Taxes are unpleasant, yet it is important to plan for them if one wants to pay as little as possible. Sadly, many people are planning in a way that will cost them in the long run. Today, Tom and John are joined by special guest Martha Baker-Starr, a Certified Tax Coach™. Together, they talk about …


In 1938 when the Yellow River in China flooded, it was America who came to the rescue with money and manpower.  The same happened when the Nile, Amazon, Ganges and Niger rivers flooded destroying land, and killing lives and crops.  Throughout our history, America has come to the rescue of the world.  But who pours …


We put fences around our homes and locks on our doors to protect our physical property. But do we protect our intellectual property? Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and Nike sure do, but what about the rest of us? Intellectual property is extremely important and should be properly protected, but it’s tough to know how to do so. …

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