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I want the reader to understand I agree with most of what David Ramsey teaches. I lived his model of “financial peace” until I was 45 years old and have proved most of his money “makeover” theories, including being out of debt and paying cash for everything. I even purchased my own home with cash …


John (Jack) Bogle, is indisputably someone who had a profound impact on how investors participate in the market today.  According to MarketWatch, those who have followed Bogles’ leadership most likely haven’t been “front of the pack” investors but have certainly ended up retaining actual returns that rank in the “top 20% of all investors.”[i] So, …


Governments and central banks are taking the low road. They are attempting to artificially stimulate the economy by implementing negative interest rates.  John says it will work probably work short-term Tom says it could cause people to hoard tangible assets like gold, silver, antique automobiles and art. What is it that really stimulates an economy …


As reported by Buzznet, a recent study uncovered that 75% of millennials don’t have any life insurance, supposedly because they can’t afford it. But something millennials fail to realize is that the younger you are when you purchase life insurance, the cheaper your coverage will be for your entire life. Life insurance isn’t as trendy …


Most people think saving money is about cutting lifestyle and luxuries. This is certainly one way to save, but it is not the only way because where you save your money can make a big difference in how much you get to keep. 💵 Benjamin Franklin says, “There are two ways to increase your wealth. …


The SECURE Act was signed into law by President Trump on December 20, 2019. Here are some key changes you should know as you plan for retirement: Generally, the SECURE Act: Removed Maximum Age limit for IRA Contributions Increased the age for Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from age 70.5 to 72 Enforces a 10yr distribution …


Thomas Paine, realized that “Government, even at its best state, is but a necessary evil, in its worst state an intolerable one.”[i]  For this reason the founding fathers set up strict limitations on government so that the citizens of the United States could prevent government from becoming intolerable. Today, “we the people” have allowed government …


Can you really eliminate the control of Banks and Financial institutions in your life by using Life Insurance? Or should you own Life Insurance for different reasons? Discover the best reasons to own and use Life Insurance as a financial tool in 2020. (read about how whole life insurance works here) With the New Year …


What are people talking about when you hear the term “Investment Grade Life Insurance”? Answer: It can be just about any type of life insurance under the sun because the “Investment Grade” part is marketing fluff. The Supreme court has ruled that life insurance is not an investment but rather an asset, so what you …


According to Fidelity Investments, in order for your 401K to sustain you in your retirement you will need to have 8x your annual income saved by the time you reach age 67.  To keep on track with your savings, you will need to have at least your annual income tucked away by age 35. By …

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