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It’s amazing!  Most people choose never to push against what they perceive to be the prevailing behavior, norm or belief of their current culture.  Tragically, going with the flow has become the predominant behavior when it comes to money and finances as well.  And this #1 hazard prevents people from discovering the truth about many …


Breaking news of the act of terrorism in France pierced our hearts. Listening to further reports of the media and some of the leading figures only furthered the agony. The merciless acts of taking human life is a threat against all who have human life. We feel it, don’t we? And as Tom spoke to …


On this Episode, Michele joins Tom and John McFie to talk about the three books Tom has written, and how they making such a huge difference for people winning their financial GAME.  The books are: Prescription for Wealth, Winning Your Financial GAME, and Retirement Curveball. (Released earlier this year)


Dr. David Melendez

Type: products

Dr. David Melendez knew he wanted to become a chiropractor at age 18 when he benefited from his first life changing chiropractic adjustment, after sports injuries, a dislocated shoulder, stomach problems and spinal pain. He met his wife, Lorraine, while they both attended chiropractic college.  Upon graduating they got married and opened practice together.  Three …


One dark night seven monkeys sat cold and shivering in a tree. It was cold outside. It was raining. One of the monkey’s said, “We should build a house.” “Yes,” said the other monkeys, “let’s build a house tomorrow.” But when the sun came up the monkeys forgot all about building a house. They ran …


Ever feel that the world keeps getting faster and faster?  Ever notice that your day is packed full but you seem to complete less?  Ever wonder that the more you undertake the fewer results you actually achieve? Recently a message was posted online that was spot-on. “Where will we go today so we can stare …


If you want to be successful, you have to have a plan. If you don’t have a plan, you’re not going to be successful; it’s as simple as that. What about your friend’s birthday? If you want to have a birthday party, you must plan for it. You’ll need to decide when and where you’ll …


Most Americans have enough money in their 401K to live three to six years, if they’re lucky, once they retire.[i]  Why?  The answer is simple.  People get discouraged and disillusioned when the earnings on their savings/investments don’t grow as fast as they had hoped due to market corrections, low interest rates, fees and penalties that …


The surest way to gain weight is to eat more. The proven way to stay in shape is to exercise regularly. And as simple as these facts are to grasp there are still many overweight and physically unfit persons in American today than ever before. That is because Americans tend to want more.  And wanting …


Growing up with very little, Tamara and her husband worked hard and found that saving came naturally to them.  But while saving money was a natural way of life, they didn’t have any structured savings plan. They invested in property and sold it for at a profit. This worked well for them, but they …

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