Do You Have a Friend Selling Indexed Universal Life Insurance?

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Do You Have a Friend Selling Indexed Universal Life Insurance?

IUL is no way to get great guarantees on your money. If want to help your friend, you might be able to pay them the commission they would have earned if you bought the policy from them, and still come out ahead! 😳

IUL is a hybrid insurance product based on term insurance where the cost of insurance is increasing every year. Discover why guarantees from Whole Life insurance are better…and if you really want to invest in the index fund, go ahead and invest directly so your growth isn’t capped. 💰

Not Sure What to Do? Get a Policy Review* here

Also on this show – a request from a Wealth Talks listener on Social Security: What might happen in 20 years and should you be worried about not contributing more?

* As of 2023 McFie Family Insurancedoes charge for policy reviews