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The surest way to gain weight is to eat more. The proven way to stay in shape is to exercise regularly. And as simple as these facts are to grasp there are still many overweight and physically unfit persons in American today than ever before. That is because Americans tend to want more.  And wanting …


It’s that time of year…Summer Vacation! Vacations are a wonderful way to get recharged, enjoy the wealth of family relationships and create unforgettable memories with the people you love.  Because of this, vacations can be one of the best investments that you’ll ever make. And here’s more good news:  Just because a vacation is an …


In this episode Ramon Lua joins Tom and John McFie to talk about the proper role of a CPA or Accountant in Your Financial GAME… With his experience and Accounting degree, Ramon shares his perspective on Client/Accountant relationships and how to balance your priorities for income, savings and getting rid of debt.


Growing up with very little, Tamara and her husband worked hard and found that saving came naturally to them.  But while saving money was a natural way of life, they didn’t have any structured savings plan. They invested in property and sold it for at a profit. This worked well for them, but they …


As hard as might be to believe doctors to do tell lies.  And their lies cost the lives of a lot of people as well as a lot of money. Hi I’m Dr. Tomas McFie and I’ve been a doctor for over 30 years.  I don’t practice anymore because I learned that there are things …


Apelles the Greek painter is reported to have listened carefully to the cobbler as he told him the shoe in his painting didn’t properly portray reality.  But when the cobbler proceeded to criticize the stance, the face and other parts of the painting Apelles shamelessly told the cobbler to “Stick to his Last.”[i] Like the …


My daughter, Anna, shared about her new rollerblades with you last week and how REWARDS are a GOOD Thing in life. But she didn’t tell you that she not only got all her siblings on roller blades, she even got her dear old dad on roller blades! Today I want to tell you about when …


In the Studio, Tom and John McFie talk about Business Financing, and how Savings is the building block to success with your finances… Tom shares about how before he discovered the Perpetual Wealth Code™ he always believed in saving but didn’t know how to save so it profited him instead of the Money Managers, Banks …


Why doesn’t that headline shock you? Maybe its because the Government has never been real good at keeping its side of a bargain. Maybe its because people misunderstood what Obamacare was really going to be. Or maybe, just maybe, it was intended to end up that way from the beginning. The facts are that government …


Dr. Tom and John McFie talk about risk, and how Taxes and Fees destroy the earnings on your money by more than many realize… That is why the Banks purchased over 143 billion Dollars of Life Insurance in 2013, which is now up to over 146 billion in 2014. Money has to flow to make …

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