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“I found the road to wealth when I decided that part of all I earned was mine to keep,”[i]  Aglamish told Arkad. And the aged Apostle Paul told Timothy his young protégé, “The hard working farmer should be the first to share in the crop.”[ii]  Keeping more of what you earn is the key to …


Recently a former metro cop for Clark County, Nevada was relating a story about when he was still working on the street.  Seems the department implemented some extensive paperwork for each encounter an officer had during their shift.  It was interesting what happened.  None of the officers enjoyed the extra paperwork and so they just …


Dr. David Melendez

Type: products

Dr. David Melendez knew he wanted to become a chiropractor at age 18 when he benefited from his first life changing chiropractic adjustment, after sports injuries, a dislocated shoulder, stomach problems and spinal pain. He met his wife, Lorraine, while they both attended chiropractic college.  Upon graduating they got married and opened practice together.  Three …


Think Both EP.23

Type: podcasts

In this Episode Tom and John McFie talk about how to make your money more productive.  It’s normal to compare one investment to another.  What if you could continue earning money on your savings while making an investment too?  Good News!… You can.


As recently as August 15, 2015, Dalbar, the independent investment research group out of Massachusetts, released their Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior Study which documented that the average investor is only earning 2.6% on their portfolio not the 6% or 8% that most financial planners refer to as being the average. By the way, the …


Fees, fees and more fees seem to be the norm when planning for your retirement.  Which leads one to ask, “Are there any specific restrictions on how many fees or how big the fees can be?”  And the direct answer is NO!  However, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) does confine how large a fee …


A new bear market begins every 4.8 years on average.[i] Since 1929 there have been 16 bear markets, where a bear market is described as a 20% or more decline. The average bear market lasts 17 months and the time needed to recover from a bear market averages around 60 months.[ii] Knowing these simple facts …


Term Insurance EP.14

Type: podcasts

In this episode with Tom and John McFie, you’ll discover the reason why term insurance is so important, and how it becomes a stepping stone to wealth and success.  Andrew Carnegie named Life Insurance as one of the 6 pillars of the American Success System because it provides a foundation for individual savings as well …


Most Americans have enough money in their 401K to live three to six years, if they’re lucky, once they retire.[i]  Why?  The answer is simple.  People get discouraged and disillusioned when the earnings on their savings/investments don’t grow as fast as they had hoped due to market corrections, low interest rates, fees and penalties that …


 If history teaches anything, it is that government cannot be trusted with the management of money.  When the value of a currency depends entirely on the judgment and conscience of politicians, disaster looms. It doesn’t matter if they are Roman emperors, French revolutionaries, or our own Continental Congress.  Issuing money faster than the reserves that …

29 Pages | 288 Results