The Zapatas

new yorkMeet David and Carla Zapata of St. Joseph, Michigan!  David owns his own automotive business and Carla is a nurse.

Five years ago, prior to their marriage, David attended a seminar where various aspects of living a successful life were discussed. One of those things was participating whole life insurance and how it can provide financial solutions. David had heard enough to know that he needed to find out more. He ordered the book recommended:  Prescription For Wealth by Dr. Tom McFie.

In this book, he started reading about how to become his own money manager, how he could save and re-use his money without working any harder. It also discussed financing purchases, paying off debts, saving for college education and planning for retirement, all while earning tax free growth and providing a legacy. Needless to say, David was excited about what he was learning. (Who wouldn’t be?!)

But David wasn’t sure about timing.  Was now a good time to start?  His and Carla’s wedding was coming up soon and they would need things for their apartment, plus they were saving money to buy a house…their 5 year goal.

“Looking back, we could have made a lot of excuses about why it wouldn’t have been a good time to start,” David says, “but because we didn’t, and because we put it (The Perpetual Wealth Code™) to work, we’re in a better spot…a better situation in our lives than we could have been otherwise.”

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“The Perpetual Wealth Code™ gave me a whole new way of looking at money. Before, I’d save my money, spend it and it was gone. Now, I just have so much more to look forward to because there’s so much more that you can do…not just money, but possibilities that I wasn’t seeing before. Just realizing that gets me excited and gets me wanting to do more.”

A few years ago, the duplex the Zapata’s were renting came up for sale. The Zapata’s realized they had enough money, not only to buy the duplex, but also to remodel the kitchen and bathroom. In just three years they were able to realize their five-year goal of owning their own home. “It’s just so amazing! Where did we get this money from?! It would not have been possible if we hadn’t been following The Perpetual Wealth Code™,” the Zapatas say.

David and Carla have set another 5-year goal to purchase a different home for themselves and turn their Duplex into a rental property.  “I can already tell that we’re going to be able to cut that goal in half. It’s very exciting,” David reports.

Earlier this year, David and Carla were delighted with the birth of their first child, a baby girl named Enna. They want Enna to go to a private school, so they are taking steps to making it happen.  Planning in advance, they are getting a policy specifically for the purpose of funding Enna’s education. “It’s something that we have wanted to plan for, and knowing that it can happen is such a relief.”

The Zapatas see an incredible difference in their lives because of The Perpetual Wealth Code™.  The difference is so encouraging, they want everyone to be able to experience the same. “If there’s anything I can share with anybody, its that NOW is the time.” David tells us,  “No matter what situation you’re in, it can only get better if you start now. You don’t have to be making a six-figure income. You don’t have to be making tons of money. It doesn’t matter what you’re making, because it will work. That’s the whole point.”

David and Carla enjoy playing soccer. They also like to wake board as much as they can. And they enjoy traveling and camping…a lot.

Sources: David Zapata and the Living Richly Newsletter, 2017

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