Tamara Schreven’s Story

Growing up with very little, Tamara and her husband worked hard and found that saving came naturally to them.  But while saving money was a natural way of life, they didn’t have any structured savings plan.

They invested in property and sold it for at a profit. This worked well for them, but they knew the money they were making in real estate would definitely not be enough to retire on.

So they also invested in the stock market, thinking this would be their major strategy for accumulating the money they needed for retirement.  In 2008 Tamara and her husband were devastated as they watched over half of their investment disappear in the blink of an eye.  They were discouraged by what had happened to the majority of their money when following the recommendations of the “experts”.  And they weren’t sure what options, if any, were left for their retirement goals.

Then one-day Tamara’s husband came home with some exciting news.   Tamara admits, “I had my protective wall up at first because of everything we had tried.” After she read Prescription For Wealth, by Dr. Tomas McFie, she told her husband “This will work, I can see it.”

Tamara and her husband jumped in with both feet purchasing a policy for him as soon as they could.  They had some debts they wanted to payoff and for the first time they saw hope as they started using the Perpetual Wealth Code to accomplish this goal.  Tamara and her husband saw that they could “jumpstart”, their daughter, Cierra’s future by using the Perpetual Wealth Code so they added a policy on her life… she was only 9 years old at the time, but they knew there would be college and other expenses coming up in the years ahead.

A couple years after getting started with using the Perpetual Wealth Code, the unexpected happened.  Tamara’s husband suddenly passed away.

Tamara had been a stay at home mom up to this point. All at once she felt the great responsibility of needing to pay the bills and take care of the family’s well being.  Because of the wise decision Tamara and her husband made when they purchased their first policy, she did not feel the added stress of looking for a job immediately.  Instead she could stay home and spend time with her daughter, something they both needed, especially at that difficult time.

“We never expect the unexpected to happen,” Tamara says, “but if it does, it is good to know that everything is taken care of and the person that loved you is still taking care of you.”

A few years ago, Tamara joined the Team at McFie Family Insurance.  She is passionate about helping other people.  Understanding firsthand the disappointment of traditional financial strategies she wants to make sure others have the opportunity to experience the rewarding benefits of The Perpetual Wealth Code in their lives while also protecting their loved ones.

Most recently Tamara is looking forward to purchasing a new home and by using The Perpetual Wealth Code, the purchase of this home will be extremely beneficial for both her and Cierra’s financial future.

Sources: Tamara Schreven and the Living Richly Newsletter, 2015

Infinite Banking Made Simple event with the McFie family - May 2nd-3rd (Fri-Sat)Details here »