Erika Barrantes

When Erika Barrantes was trying to pick her major for college, the word “entrepreneur” caught her eye.  Not knowing what this word meant at the time she asked her school counselor what this was.  The counselor’s response was, “Don’t worry about it, honey, it’s not for you.” Time, however, would prove the counselor wrong.

Studying to become a journalist, Erika found her studies interesting but not her passion.  Finally Erika fell in with some entrepreneurs.  Up until this time Erika had never thought she could have her own business, now this thought began to change.

When mentioning this to her dad, he told her, “I will stop funding your education if you switch careers.” But this didn’t stop Erika!  She got a job at a hotel and worked as many hours as she possibly could so that she could save enough money to continue with college.  She picked a school she would attend over the next 6 years, studying by night and working by day. “I loved what I was learning and that’s what got me through,” Erika said.

Upon graduating Erika started practice as an associate in another doctor’s office.  Then in 2009 she opened a practice of her own in Torrance, California.  She is happy to report that her dad is now a full believer in what she does. And both of her parents are among her “raving fan” patients.

Erika has been a McFie Family Insurance’ client for more than four years and she owns several participating whole life policies.  At the last Wealth Summit she was excited to hear about McFie Family Insurance’ complimentary document review service. “Everybody should take advantage of this service to make sure their legal documents are in good order before a situation arises when you’ll need those documents,” Erika says. (Update: As of Oct 2024, this document review service is not currently available to clients of McFie Insurance.)

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“Because of what I’m doing with McFie Family Insurance and the McFies, I don’t have to be afraid of being successful!”

Erika also volunteers in kids’ programs.  She likes to work with children, inspiring hope in them and being a good example for them at the same time.  She says “I turned out because I had good mentors and influences while I was young.  Now I want to be a mentor for these kids.”

A few years ago, Erika welcomed furry YodaHachi to her heart and home.  Really cute and special too, Yoda, a Havanese puppy,  accompanies Erika everywhere…even to the office.

Sources: Erika Barrantes and the Living Richly Newsletter, 2015

Infinite Banking Made Simple event with the McFie family - May 2nd-3rd (Fri-Sat)Details here »