Denzel and Meryl Steyn

Meet Denzel and Meryl Steyn from Queensland, Australia! Queensland is known for its beaches, tropical islands and lush rainforests and has a climate similar to Miami. The Steyns are grateful to call it home.

July 4th marked the Steyns 38th wedding anniversary. They are full of love for their family, and they are grateful to be passing on a legacy to their children, and as the Bible talks about, to their grandchildren.

For years Denzel owned Term insurance on his life, but as always happens with Term insurance, the premiums increased over time. They knew that Term insurance would not be a long-term solution.

Meryl read a financial book mentioning the use of Participating Whole Life Insurance policies as financial tools. But there were no insurance companies in Australia that sold participating Whole Life insurance.

In pursuit of personal development, the Steyns attended a seminar and later followed that up with a cruise in the Mexican Riviera. Tom McFie was a guest speaker on that cruise, sharing about building wealth and the benefits of Whole Life insurance. The Steyns thought, “We’ve got to have life insurance anyway, why not have something that grows?”

Later, while visiting their property in the US, the Steyns purchased policies on each of their lives. Because they don’t live in the US, their policies didn’t start out with immediate cash value, like [McFie Insurance] typically designs. But the policies are still fantastic tools.  The Steyns have used their policies for multiple things including: paying their mortgage, paying off debt and traveling.

And just like most people, Meryl says, “I wish we would have heard about it sooner.”

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“We feel grateful that God led us to discovering [McFie Insurance] and the wonderful McFie Family, so we can leave an inheritance for Shakaya, Hope and our other grandchildren.”

Shakaya is their son’s daughter, and Hope has a special story of her own. Hope and Shakaya have the same mother. Incapable of caring for her daughters because of her own battle with substance abuse, she abandoned Shakaya, now age 9, when she was 4 years old. Hope was born in Melbourne over a year ago and named by a woman from Child Services who took special notice of the baby and was inspired to find her family. Searching in vain, the woman almost listed her as a candidate for foster care, but held back telling herself, “Just one more time.”

That time put her in contact with the Steyns’ son, the former husband of the baby’s mother. Meryl flew to Melbourne to see Hope, and the Steyns decided that Hope, the half-sister or Shakaya would have a loving home.

Hope quickly became attached to the Steyns. “I have to sneak out to work because she gets upset when I leave,” Denzel chuckles. But in the evening time, Hope likes to cuddle with Meryl. And what does Shakaya say? “Pa and Nana, I’m so glad you gave my little sister a home.”

“We always wanted a daughter, and we’re treating her just as our own. The greatest joy in life is in reaching out to others to make even a small difference in the lives of those less fortunate,” Meryl says.

For fun the Steyns love spending time with their growing family…another grandchild is on the way! They love the beach, theme parks, getting away and camping. Denzel also loves to travel and Meryl enjoys reading and helping people. They enjoy family and nature, and as Meryl explains, “These are the blessings which are free in life and truly make us ‘Living Richly’.”

Sources: Denzel and Meryl Steyn, Living Richly August 2019

Infinite Banking Made Simple event with the McFie family - May 2nd-3rd (Fri-Sat)Details here »