The Bradstreets

As Greg Bradstreet would tell you, it took 31 years for him to move on from the 7th grade. He has worked with Fellowship of Christian Athletes while also being employed at Western Oregon University as a placements and field supervisor.

Leigh Bradstreet, a homeschooling mom of 3, is now the proud grandmother of 9 and runs her own e-commerce business, both of which keep her quite busy.

When first learning about the Perpetual Wealth Code™, Greg said he suffered from “Analysis Paralysis”. In his scrutiny of the entire process he read, re-read, highlighted and underlined all kinds of things before deciding to move forward. In addition to purchasing participating whole life insurance policies on their own lives, Greg and Leigh encouraged their three grown children and their spouses to get started too. They’ve enjoyed watching their kids use their policies, “We’re thrilled that our children understand how to work their policies to create wealth,” Leigh says.

As it turns out, whole life insurance has been an important part of their family heritage. Not long ago Leigh found an article showing that one of her great grandfathers had leveraged his life insurance policy in the late 1800’s to start a cigar factory in Texas. It’s still in business today, the Finck Cigar Company. Leigh’s parents also used their life insurance cash values to pay off their farm.

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Earlier this year Greg’s father passed away. Before he died, he told Greg that he had a small participating whole life insurance policy that was supposed to be worth $500. Greg’s dad had purchased this policy in 1939 when he was 15 years old. Over the years he paid a total of $273.60 for this policy. But because Greg’s father was a participant in the company’s dividends the death benefit was much higher than he had anticipated. Instead of the $500 that was guaranteed, Greg received a check for over $6,500!

Greg and Leigh have had some fun with their own financing projects. “We’ve purchased a couple vehicles, and we paid for four years of private schooling for our grandkids. We also purchased a truck and RV trailer, remodeled our home, re-landscaped our yard and a variety of other things.”

When Leigh’s mother passed away a few years ago she left Leigh her engagement ring. Greg used a policy loan and had the ring put into a beautiful setting for their 40th wedding anniversary. “Now I have this beautiful ring, and it’s a great memory that I’ll be passing on.” Leigh knows her mother would have been delighted.

Besides attending McFie Family Insuranceevents over the years Greg played the role of emcee at one of the Wealth Summits and says, “You guys bring a variety of guest speakers who really make each event unique. We always pick up new tidbits…unique ways to utilize the Perpetual Wealth Code™, tax tips, helpful legal insights and inspirational considerations.”

Leigh says it’s the connections that are extremely valuable to her. Whether it’s during the main event or at the VIP Dinner… “we sit at the tables and we get to connect and talk with other people who are doing this. Some people have questions for us, and we can also ask questions about different ways to use the policies. It’s just been a great connecting time that supports what it is that we’re trying to do.”

In his leisure time Greg enjoys reading…in fact, he has challenged himself to find the time to read at least two books per month. Together Greg and Leigh enjoy spending time with their grandkids, whether it’s a quick getaway to the Oregon coast, attending dance recitals or sporting events, it’s obvious…they love to be with their family!

The Perpetual Wealth Code™ is fantastic for families because it perpetuates wealth from generation to generation!

Sources: Greg Bradstreet, Leigh Bradstreet and the Living Richly newsletter 2016

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