Andre and Linda Dukes

Meet Andre and Linda Dukes of Wisconsin. Their journey with McFie Family Insurance began a few years ago when Andre was doing a Bible study. “I was studying 2 Corinthians at the time, and there was a verse talking about wealth. I did some research on the Internet and came across the book Prescription For Wealth by Tom McFie.”

Andre read the book, and then gave it to Linda to read. “I’ve been in the banking industry 18 years,” said Linda, “so when I read the book my antennas went up. You know, this was something right up my alley. Andre also had a CD and for awhile, wherever we went, that was all he let me listen to!”

Andre and Linda called the office, made an appointment and purchased their first policy. As with every McFie Family Insurance’ client, the purchase of the policy was only the start!

A few months after they bought their first policy, Linda talked with John to develop a Blueprint for paying off some debts. “I met with John, we reviewed my blueprint, I was excited, but then life happened and I went off my own way.”

Ten months later Andre and Linda came to a Wealth Summit. That’s where they got re-charged. “After the Wealth Summit I knew I had to get back on track with my blueprint, so I met with John again.” Several things had changed. One of those things was that Linda had fulfilled the personal goal of finishing her degree. With some adjustments, the Blueprint was up to date once more and this time Linda was determined to follow it.

It’s incredible to see what can be accomplished when you once set your mind to do something. And her job ended when Wells Fargo closed a branch, Linda kept right on track with her blueprint… talk about dedication!

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Linda was patient and selective about seeking employment. She wanted to make sure that her valuable skills were put to good use to make the lives of other people better. Now Linda has a new job with Molina Health…(talk about an incredible story) in the same building where she has worked for 18 years, only now it’s upgraded!

Andre has a job as a Fraud Specialist, which means he gets claims from Banks with their customer’s disputes regarding fraudulent activity and charge-backs on credit cards. Known for his careful research, Andre is able to discover whether claims are fraudulent or just.

Using the Perpetual Wealth Code™, Andre and Linda have been able to purchase computers, a new mattress and take trips…all while following their blueprint and paying off debt.

It’s easy to see that Andre and Linda are both in this together. Not only are they working to make their own family better, Andre also works with young people, inspiring and teaching them how they can make their lives more fulfilling with Personal and Transformational Development Skills and, of course, the Perpetual Wealth Code™.

In his free time Andre enjoys reading, bowling and playing music. Both he and Linda enjoy spending time with family and traveling…meeting new people and seeing new places. Their next big trip is in September, a trip Linda has dreamed about for years…an all-inclusive stay at the Sandals Resort in Barbados.

Sources: Andre & Linda Dukes, and the Living Richly newsletter 2016

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Infinite Banking Made Simple event with the McFie family - May 2nd-3rd (Fri-Sat)Details here »