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With monthly rent prices on the rise and interest rates so low, more and more people are looking to buy a house. For first-time homebuyers, saving for a house can seem incredibly daunting, but there are ways you can follow to make saving for a house a little easier. In this article, we’ll cover five …


The United Nations recognizes 251 countries and territories in the world, while the United States only acknowledges 200 and other international organizations recognize only 194.  But regardless of how the so-called authorities acknowledge or don’t acknowledge a country’s existence, one thing is sure, the human population of the world is decreasing even though politicians and …


Those who call themselves economists while cleaving to Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) are analogous to the tailors in the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes with one exception, the tailors in the story were not deceived. They were the deceivers. Today, Modern Monetary Theorists blather on and on about how our currency is backed by …


Uninformed or unscrupulous advisors have been guilty of telling others NOT to purchase life insurance. Their reason for spreading this propaganda varies from being naïve as to how life insurance works, to being over desirous of wanting to manage more of their clients’ money.  Either way, those who listen to such advice lose out financially. …


A mere relationship is not the same thing as being committed.  A relationship is something that two or more people enter into in order to receive a desired outcome that would be more difficult or even impossible without a relationship. When a relationship no longer satisfies, it is dissolved or ended. Investing money is a …


Last week while grocery shopping, we noticed ice cream containers had been reduced from 1.75 quarts to 1.5 quarts, much like what happened several years ago when the containers were reduced from half-gallons to 1.75 quarts.  Of course, what didn’t decrease was the price per container.  Obviously, the creameries are facing increasing cost of supplies …


Gino Bartali, was one of the most beloved Italian cyclists of all time winning the Giro d’Italia cycle race 3 times, 1936, 1937, 1946, and the Tour de France in 1938 and 1948.  Bartali finished the 6th grade in the town of Florence, to which he had to cycle in order to attend classes.  While …


Buying a Whole Life Insurance policy is a lot like starting a business that is guaranteed to succeed. In a world where 90% of startup businesses fail, talking about guaranteed success seems strange – even perhaps a little fishy. But when it comes to life insurance, you can indeed find sustainable guaranteed growth. Guaranteed growth …


Many believe that owning participating whole life insurance is an investment, but it is actually an expense which must be overcome before it generates any gains for you prior to dying.  In many ways purchasing a participating whole life insurance policy is like starting your own business from scratch.  There will be expenses for: Rent …


Paul “Bear” Bryant quipped, “Offense sells tickets, but defense wins championships.”  Few investors or advisors pay enough attention to the downside risks associated with wealth building.  Yet, without using safeguards to defensively protect wealth generated, the risk is high that losses will be greater than the gains scored over the long run. This is one …

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