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There are many retirement calculators that will tell you how much you need to have in order to retire. But there are no calculators that can guarantee how much money you will need in retirement.  That is because the calculators used in typical financial planning are based on some interesting assumptions.  For example, The 70% …


If you were born between 1946 and 1964 you are classified as a Baby Boomer.[i] And Baby Boomers are retiring at somewhere around 10,000 per day.[ii] Needless to say, this is putting a strain on the Social Security Administration’s ability to continue to pay benefits.  As of June, 2019, 50% of retired married couples, and …


Risk tolerance is a big term in typical financial planning. Basically, risk tolerance is the amount of nerve you have to watch your investment portfolio lose money without flinching. According to typical financial planning, the higher your “risk tolerance” the more money you should risk losing to try and get big returns. But typical financial …


What is the SECURE Act? The SECURE Act of 2019, was signed into law by the president on December 20, 2019. It is an acronym for the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act. The act is a far-reaching law which will affect the way Americans can save for retirement when using tax-deferred accounts. …


I want the reader to understand I agree with most of what David Ramsey teaches. I lived his model of “financial peace” until I was 45 years old and have proved most of his money “makeover” theories, including being out of debt and paying cash for everything. I even purchased my own home with cash …


Governments and central banks are taking the low road. They are attempting to artificially stimulate the economy by implementing negative interest rates.  John says it will work probably work short-term Tom says it could cause people to hoard tangible assets like gold, silver, antique automobiles and art. What is it that really stimulates an economy …


Most people think saving money is about cutting lifestyle and luxuries. This is certainly one way to save, but it is not the only way because where you save your money can make a big difference in how much you get to keep. 💵 Benjamin Franklin says, “There are two ways to increase your wealth. …


According to Fidelity Investments, in order for your 401K to sustain you in your retirement you will need to have 8x your annual income saved by the time you reach age 67.  To keep on track with your savings, you will need to have at least your annual income tucked away by age 35. By …


Stop losing money with typical financial planning. Learn how to use Life Insurance as a financial tool while you’re living so you can keep more of the money you make and have financial peace of mind.


Not long ago a client asked for an independent review of his investment portfolio.  He was under the impression that there were NO fees associated with his investment account and was puzzled as to why his earnings didn’t match up to the returns of the market. This is a common misnomer, as market return is …

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