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The story about the Ugly Duckling who turns out to be a beautiful Swan always intrigued me as a child.  Perhaps it was because that, even as a child, it was obvious to me that we are too quick to judge things as they appear, rather than as they really are. This applies to investing …


Growth of Student Loan Debt over the past decade has been 212.5% greater than wages! This means that a student working a part-time job and earning minimum wage in 1987 could pay for 106.5% of their college expenses. However a student working a part-time job and earning minimum wage in 2016 could only pay for …


Pension plans have for the most part disappeared unless you work for the government.  And defined contribution plans (401ks) have and continue to fail in bridging the income gap which independent retirement accounts (IRAs) and social security were supposed to fill.  That being said, those aware of smart money management principles often encourage their clients …


Level 1 thinking is emotional, easy and used by everyone. Level 2 thinking is logical and somewhat lazy. There is almost always more under the surface of success than any casual observer will see. Discover the why behind the how of using this knowledge to think like the Wealthy. Ben McFie joins us on Wealth …


Samuel Johnson the English Poet and Moralist realized that “Small debts are like small shot; they are rattling on every side, and can scarcely be escaped without a wound; great debts are like a cannon, of loud noise but of little danger.” This reminds me of the little boy who discovered the small hole in …


Less than 2 out of 5 Americans have enough money saved to afford an unexpected $1,000 expense. Such an expense would force 1 out of 5 to charge such an unexpected expense on a credit card, leaving the rest to either scrounge it off a friend, family member or take out a personal loan.  Interestingly …


The Buricks

Type: products

After 8 years of working at a casino in Atlantic City as a craps dealer, Dr. Mark Burick was ready to do something else. He laughingly explains that he started with the alphabet and upon reaching C, where he found “chiropractor”, he seemed to remember his mother telling him as a child that he would …


Ken Fisher, Founder of Fisher Investments, wrote in USA Today on June 24, 2018, “You shouldn’t worry about Social Security running out of money because in the past this same fear has “prompted politicians to act and put in simple fixes.”[i]  Then he goes on to explain that raising taxes, or the minimum retirement age …


When purchasing participating whole life insurance, many want to see the premium “disappear” as soon as possible. And if you have a limited source of funding to pay the premiums with, like an inheritance, a bonus, the sale of personal property, a settlement, or lottery winnings, it might make sense to have the premium “disappear” …


 Five-hundred and 2 days ago, from the time of writing this blog, a new president of the United States has “slashed regulations that strangle the economy by nearly $2 trillion a year.”[i]  Which has increased the wealth of U.S. households $7.1 trillion![ii] This, all in spite of what the Economic Policy Institute or the Brookings …

29 Pages | 287 Results