The Pirates of Manhattan

Systematically Plundering the American Consumer and How to Protect Against It


The Pirates of Manhattan II
Highway to Serfdom The Hijacking of America’s Savings

by Barry Dyke

Both volumes of The Pirates of Manhattan are some of the most powerful documentaries on why Americans are losing their ability to produce and retain the wealth that our forbearers were able to realize.

Dyke accurately forecast the burst of the runaway real estate bubble that popped in 2008 when drafting his first volume in 2005. In the second volume which he penned in 2012 Dyke indicates that the Mutual Fund Industry, coupled with the looming student loan debt, could be the next bubble to collapse.

The Pirates of Manhattan volumes are not for the weak minded. Not being simple books to pick up and brush through The Pirates of Manhattan are for the student who wishes to understand the reasons why and, even more so, wants to know what to do in order to prevent becoming the victim of the next bursting bubble.

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The Pirates of Manhattan volumes one and two are musts reads for anyone serious about creating wealth and preventing the larceny which our political elitist socioeconomic society has promoted and legalized.

Review by Tomas McFie

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