May 21, 2021 will always be a day that will be remembered in our family. And the reason why is twofold.
Life doesn’t always go as planned. When it does and everything goes smoothly, it is easy to become complacent and believe things will always go as planned. But when they don’t, life becomes more difficult than imagined because there are no emergency plans to fall back on.
The hike through the Grand Canyon was extremely beautiful. For those who can train and are physically capable of extreme and strenuous hiking, it is highly recommended. But even then, you should prepare yourself for the unexpected.
About 10 miles into the 23 plus mile hike my knee began to hurt with every step down. As there are thousands of step-downs throughout the canyon trail, this was an unexpected problem. At first, one of my sons would lift me down the bigger step-downs, but this was impractical and would have been nearly impossible for him to continue if he was to climb out of the canyon. Then another one of my sons who had brought along his knee brace allowed me to use it.
The brace helped, but my entire body mechanics were altered trying to compensate for the knee injury. It wasn’t’ long before blisters began to form on my feet. With blister tape from my daughter who was on the hike with us, we padded my blistered feet. Then some duct tape from one of my niece’s backpacks was used to create a splint and support for my knee and my knee pain was gone, so on we went.
But my altered and unusual gait, began to fatigue me. The hike out of the canyon is tough for even the best trained and conditioned. And though we had trained and were in great physical condition, my injury, an unexpected and unplanned for event, nearly cost me. But because of the mutual comradery, we all stuck together and those of us who began the hike together finished the hike together.
Participating whole life insurance policies provide the mutual comradery you need during an unexpected financial challenge. You can plan your life, purchase your home, invest in your 401(k), IRA, Roth or mutual funds, but when the unexpected happens you may find yourself in a financial Grand Canyon without any resources to climb out.
Rejecting the financial value of owning whole life insurance means you are planning for a future without any emergency resources which could help you during a financial trauma or injury which could totally devastate the financial plans you have designed for yourself. As 90% of Americans depend on Social Security for at least 1/3 of their retirement income, it goes to reason that most people don’t make adequate financial plans for emergencies and financial injuries which the future may hold for them.
Don’t become part of the 90% group who rely on the government to keep you from living in poverty during your retirement. Plan today for the worst financial possibilities and tomorrow will take care of itself. Just beware: Most financial planners believe whole life insurance to be valueless. But without the guarantees which only participating whole life insurance can provide you, your financial planner may be setting you up for your own Financial Grand Canyon without adequate resources to help you climb out. Believe me, neither your financial planner, nor your CPA or attorney, or anybody else will be there to provide you the money you need when the unexpected happens. But participating whole life insurance is guaranteed to be there for you and your unexpected needs.
Duct tape was invented for use in HVAC assembly, not knee splints. Participating whole life insurance was invented to replace someone’s income when they die, not cash flow. But duct tape and participating whole life insurance can be life savers when used for entirely different reasons than what they were invented. I can attest to this fact in both instances.
Participating whole life insurance can be used in multiple different ways to make your life better, easier and more comfortable, but you have to plan for the unexpected now or when the unexpected strikes it will be too little, too late and inadequate.
Call us today, we sell participating whole life insurance to make sure you are prepared for your future.
Tomas P. McFie DC PhD
Most Americans depend on Social Security for retirement income. Even when people think they’re saving money, taxes, fees, investment losses and market volatility take most of their money away. Tom McFie is the founder of McFie Insurance which helps people keep more of the money they make, so they can have financial peace of mind. His latest book, A Biblical Guide to Personal Finance, can be purchased here.