The Loan Manager System

Money managers know it’s important to have good systems so they can focus on what they do best…improving strategy and creating more wealth.

If you're looking for a system to build and manage your payment schedules, the Loan Manager can help.

Flexible Payment Schedules

From simple to complex…whether it’s a traditional loan structure, interest only, or a special deal with multiple cash flows at different dates (i.e. a line of credit)...

You’re covered with the Loan Manager.

  • Estimated 5 minutes to register and create your first schedule
  • Unlimited Cash Flow entries
  • Schedule history to quickly recover from mistakes

Payment Tracking

Never worry about missing another payment and falling behind. Manage all your schedules and payments from an easy interface designed with thoughtful input from experienced clients.

  • Key payment information on one screen
  • Schedule details and payment notes one-click away

Infinite Banking Made Simple event with the McFie family - May 2nd-3rd (Fri-Sat)Details here »