Thou Shall Prosper

Ten Commandments for Making Money

by Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Thou Shall Prosper, is either at the top or very near the top of my favorites of the books I have read and studied on money, finance and economics. Rabbi Lapin dispels the lies and supplies the truth for anybody looking to become wealthier in this life.

Lapin first’s “commandment” is that you can’t expect to become wealthy if you believe that wealth is evil or morally wrong. He then proves that money is not evil but a spiritual entity which God created and which God called good!

From understanding how to truly know yourself to learning how to know and relate better with others, Lapin relates how the Ten Commandments are guidelines to help you become prosperous and in doing so create a better world for all of us to live and enjoy.

One of the most empowering themes throughout the book is the idea that retirement should be lived a little bit every day instead of being an objective for people to achieve. That message applied would alter the course of our world and society in a most positive fashion, and it is one reason why I recommend this book so highly to everybody!

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Review by Tomas McFie

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