On January 1, 2016 my father kept his appointment with the only assignment each of us has to turn in at the end of our lifetime. Though he suffered little pain, as one member family put it, “He really hadn’t been living for a number of years.”
No one really likes to talk about death. And who blames them? But because of that it isn’t surprising that few people ever plan around this major assignment that we all have to complete before we get out of this life. Being more pragmatic about this straightforward assignment will make it much easier, and so here we go.
The following are things that you need to contemplate and put in order before your time has come when you are required to turn-in your assignment.
There are other important documents that you should have in force if you own a business, if you are a partner in a business or if you are a stockholder in a business. But these are the fundamental necessities to have in place before you no longer have the opportunity to do so.
My own parents balked at putting these documents together for years. In fact, it was only after a major accident nearly twenty years ago that they even seriously considered them. But it wasn’t until 3 years ago when a drastic change in their health status motivated them enough to proceed and get all their documents in order.
Despondently, it was too late for them to take care of one of the most important parts of this entire assignment. And that was the purchase of adequate life insurance to financially take care of my mother when my Dad passed. Now my mother is stuck with only $680 a month from her Social Security Benefits check to live on for the rest of her life. Fortunately for her, she has children that will help her make up the difference in what she will need to survive. But you shouldn’t count on that as my mother had 6 children and only 3 are in a position to provide that assistance for her. How much better would it have been for my Dad to have been insured with enough insurance that my mom could now know she could live in comfort without feeling she is beholden to others for the rest of her life. Not that her children feel that way, but she certainly does.
The good news for you is that the sooner you begin planning for this assignment, the less the life insurance portion of the assignment will cost. So regardless if you have all or none of the above 10 essentials, give us a call at 702-660-7000, we can help. We have access to the best of legal counsel to help you with the legal documents and we will provide you with the best life insurance purchase experience in the world. Life is too short to put it off any longer.